open-source telnet client - "Tera Term"
any terminal program or custom app will work Easy ASCII command integration into applications
re |T|T|P|P* ft // terse feedback ed // disable echo ci // position mode cv * pp500 * tp500 * ps100 * ps500 * ts100 *
// 查看串口驱动
$ cat /proc/tty/drivers/serial
// 查看串口设备
$ dmesg | grep ttyS*
// 查看串口是否可用
$ echo 'msg' > /dev/ttyS0
//TODO 串口权限修改
The PTU-D46 is a family of miniature pan-tilt units that provide accurate real-time positioning of cameras, lasers, antenna, or other small to medium payloads. Compact (~ 4" tall)
Light Weight (3 lbs.)
High Duty Cycles
Axis speed 300/sec Axis Resolutions .013 Payload 6 lbs(2.73 kg)
rostopic pub -1 /ptu/cmd sensor_msgs/JointState '{ header: {frame_id: '' }, name: ['tilt,pan'], position: [-0,-0], velocity: [0.6,0.6], effort: [1,1]}'
It doesn't seem to publish /tf messages which is a bit sad. Is there anybody who has patch the driver?
Since it is putting out joint_states, the usual way would be to have a URDF and use the robot_state_publisher to get TF